Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Expert simple tips to get rid of head lice

Many experts have figured out that it takes more than using an anti-lice shampoo and combing to get rid of head lice. Lice cannot fly or jump, so they can only be spread when the kid’s head are close together. 

Anything which is in contact with the infested person’s head whether its clothes, hats, sheets, pillow covers  and blankets, must be washed in hot water. Other non washable items must be sealed and the carpets should be vacuumed several times in a week.

To get rid of the head lice, parents must check their child’s head regularly in order to recognize the problem. This task is easy but a little time consuming as well. See your child’s head under proper light, it's better to see it under the sunlight. Divide the hair into short sections so that it will be easier for you to examine the scalp properly.

Search for nits and lice in each section of hair. The nits look like tiny seeds which are attached to the hair. The nits are somehow looking like dandruff but they are hard to remove.  Live nits are more visible and they usually found close to the scalp. Nits are usually yellow, brown or tan in color. They are usually found in hair near your ear or the neck.

Parents who find their child infested with head lice, they should wash their child’s head with an anti-lice shampoo according to the condition of the lice in the head. Leave the shampoo on the head for about few minutes so that it can work better. 

The lice products vary in their severity of chemicals according to the condition of the head lice in the head. Parents have to use the directions before using the products and follow them carefully. 

Once the hair is washed, it's time to comb the hair with specially designed lice comb that is easily available in the market. The combing has to be continued for several weeks until all the lice and nits are gone.

 After the first wash the hair has to be washed again for a few days so that the medication in the shampoo will keep on working. About 10 days the process has to be repeated for any remaining nits that may have hatched afterwards.

Avoid using lice killing sprays; they enclose chemicals in it which will harmful for your child.

Every family member should avoid sharing the hats, and combs. These are the common practice which makes lice keep coming back.


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